Les histoires d’amour de Liv S., a film by Anna Luif, is offered online by the Swiss Film Club, powered by the Swiss Representations in Canada, in the original French version with English subtitles.

When: June 26–30, 2024

How to participate? Register on Eventbrite to receive your free access.

:warning: Important: Limited capacity; available only in Canada and the Bahamas.


Following an argument with her boyfriend, thirty-eight-year old Liv Sàndor walks through Zurich, reminiscing about past loves. In all her relationships, there was always one turning point, where everything went downhill. As she wanders through parks, streets and cafes, Liv faces her fears, her moments of joy and her demons, before she eventually finds the means to free herself of them. A rollercoaster ride through the tragicomic everyday life of a dreamy, funny and touching heroine.
