De la cuisine au parlement, a documentary by Stéphane Goël, is offered online by the Swiss Film Club, powered by the Swiss Representations in Canada, in the original version French with English subtitles, to highlight International Women’s Day.

When: March 8-10, 2024 (Friday to Sunday)

How to participate? Register on Eventbrite to receive your free access.

:warning: Important: Limited capacity; available solely in Canada, the Bahamas and the BENELUX.


A journey through a century of Swiss history, tracing the footsteps of those who fought to get out of their kitchens—and of those who tried everything to send them back in—until they obtained equality of rights, the reality of which sometimes still seems very fragile. From the first suffragette demonstrations in the 1920s to the feminist strike of 2019, this film—based on exceptionally rich archival material and testimonials from female activists—summarizes the history of women in politics in Switzerland in the 20th and 21st centuries.
