The program for the Swiss National Day celebration on July 23 has been finalized! We’re planning as follows:

Item Time Description
Doors Open 12.00 pm Event starts
Music 12.30 pm Canadysli
Welcome from the Swiss Club Toronto & Introductions 1.00 pm Charlotte Mariller, President Swiss Club Toronto (Introduction to Board members, entertainment, and guests)
Swiss Citizen of the Year Award, René Walti
1.15 pm Playing of the Anthems (recording)
1.25 pm Mme Leon-Pernet, Consule générale of Switzerland
Music 1.35 pm Trillium Alphorns
2.00 pm Matt Lebar Ensemble, Magic Show for the children
2.30 pm Golden Keys
3.00 pm Matt Lebar Ensemble
Speech 3.30 pm Suzanne Schurmann & Antoine Belaieff, delegates to the Council of the Swiss Abroad
Music 3.40 pm Trillium Alphorns
4.00 pm Matt Lebar Ensemble
4.20 pm Golden Keys
Raffle 4.45 pm Raffle draw
Doors Close 5.00 pm Event ends

:information_source: Kid’s entertainment includes arts & crafts throughout the day; Magic Show at 2.00 pm.

Thank you to our sponsors and raffle prize donors

DeLonghi logo New Wave Travel logo Swissmar logo Glass Half Full logo Michael's logo Niagara Helicopters logo Lugano Fine Foods logo Swiss Instruments logo

Ducommun Family
Hilty Family
Paula Rico
Arno Sigrist
Tourism Switzerland
Werner Family
Zanoncello Family
