Dear Members of the Swiss Club Toronto,
As your Delegate for Ontario and Central Canada, I participated in the 96th Congress of the Swiss Abroad that took place in Visp, from August 10 to 12, 2018. This was a great occasion for meeting with the other Delegates from Canada, who all attended the Congress, and with participants from all over the world.
Many points were discussed, and a detailed summary of the session can be read on the ASO website (https://www.aso.ch). In particular, I would like to call the attention of the readers of Tell Tale and of the Members of the Swiss Club Toronto to the launch of the following online petition calling on the Federal Council and parliament to make electronic voting accessible to all Swiss abroad by 2021.
Most of the Swiss living in Canada do not encounter major difficulties with the system of postal vote. However, in other parts of the world, some of our fellow citizens receive their voting documents too late (or never receive it at all), which makes it difficult for them to exercise their political rights as Swiss citizens. Therefore, I would like to encourage you to sign online this petition in support of e-voting (see below). Many thanks for your support!
Florence Pasche Guignard, OSA Delegate for Ontario and Central Canada
Dear compatriots,
Support the online petition calling on the Federal Council and parliament to make electronic voting accessible to all Swiss Abroad by 2021.
The online petition launched by the Swiss Abroad organisation at the 96th Congress of the Swiss Abroad in Visp aims to enable all Swiss Abroad to take part in votes and elections. They often receive their documentation too late and are therefore unable to exercise their political rights. The online petition can be signed on the website www.evoting2021.ch until 28 November 2018. We will then submit the petition to the Federal Chancellery on 30 November 2018.
Further information on the petition’s starting point, justification and aim can be found on the website www.evoting2021.ch in English, German, French, and Italian. We would like to ask you to forward this e-mail and to encourage all Swiss Abroad who you know to sign the petition.
Thank you very much for your support.