April 23, 2025

Where Parkview Manor
When 5.30 pm – 10.00 pm
Address 55 Barber Greene Road, North York
Web RSVP form
Contact Philippe Moser

All members are cordially invited to the annual general meeting of the Swiss Club Toronto on Wednesday, April 23.

Hear about what the club has been up to in the past year, elect new directors to the board, vote for the Swiss Citizen of the Year, and enjoy a three-course meal with fellow members.

The agenda looks roughly like this:

Time Activity
5.30 pm Doors open, cash bar
6.15 pm Dinner
7.00 pm Call to order and start of AGM

Please use the RSVP form to register. If you cannot attend but would like to nominate a proxy to vot for you, use the proxy form on the first page of the latest Tell Tale.
