The board with outgoing president Nadia Berger, outgoing secretary Simone Höhn, and special guest Milly

Last Thursday, we held our annual general meeting at the Chelsea Hotel (see the gallery). Here are a few highlights:

  • Nadia Berger steps down as president to make a dream reality: she’s moving to Switzerland (of all places)!
  • Simone Höhn steps down from her position as secretary, but we get to keep her as the head of the five-pin bowling section
  • Charlotte Mariller is moving from the vice-president to the president role, while staying on as the head of the Swiss Social section
  • Benjamin Wuethrich moves into the role of vice-president and keeps the membership chairperson role (and the website)
  • The Canadysli join as a new section with Philippe Moser as the section head

We’d like thank all the board members, past and present, for all the work they do for the Swiss Club.

Have a look at the contact page to see the board in its new composition.

We also voted on changes to the by-laws, reported on the past year, and inaugurated new lifetime members; see the full minutes for details.
